EAP Horse Slaughter Export Figures June

Although it is impossible to know the true number of horses being shipped across our borders to be slaughtered for their meat, the USDA (Mexico) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are both showing a significant decrease in figures YTD compared to 2015.

A major contributor to this decrease is good, old-fashioned “Supply and Demand”, particularly from Mexico.  On January 15, 2015 the EU’s Ban on horse meat from Mexico officially went into effect. This ban resulted in a reduction of demand for horses, which in turn has affected the number of horses we are seeing shipped out of Mexico.

And although there has yet to be a ban on horse meat purchased from Canada, there has been an enormous push by organizations such as the Humane Society International for EU officials to also place a ban on the purchase of horse meat from Canada as well. Horses exported from the US to Canada and Mexico are primarily companion and work animals and were not bred for human consumption.  In fact, most of these horses are given numerous medications and substances throughout their lives which are extremely harmful to humans.

Here on the homefront, animal rights activists are hard at work trying to pass the Safeguard American Food Exports Act (SAFE Act), which would make it illegal to export US horses for the purpose of slaughter and human consumption.

Although the SAFE Act will not put an end to the issues we face here in the US regarding the protection of these beloved animals, and kill buyers will most likely “find a way” to circumvent all efforts and laws passed to stop their activities, it will definitely help and should be supported 100% not only horse lovers but anyone who is concerned with what we are supplying, as a country, to the food system.

Sadly, we have become a “throw-away society”. It is time we as horse owners, breeders and the like take responsibility for our horses. It’s time to take away the “easy out” when a horse has outlived what we deem to be its “purpose”.

Of course, kill buyers who are exporting these horses would have you believe they are doing a service to the horse industry and feeding the poor and hungry of the world . But don’t be so quick to give them the humanitarian award! Their one and only concern is lining their pockets with the blood money for the meat they sell.  The only service they are providing is an easy out for irresponsible horse owners, breeders, the racing industry and even the government to dispose of these “unwanted” horses.

As we stated earlier, it is impossible to know the true number of horses being shipped for slaughter. And even if these figures were exact, they do not account for the thousands that die on the journey to slaughter or who are rejected at the borders and left to die.

Although the decrease in figures gives us some hope for the future, our work is far from done! We will continue to be their voice and continue to educate people on the issue of slaughter until these figures have decreased to zero!

To join Equine Assistance Project in the fight against horse slaughter, please visit our website at www.equineassist.org and like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/equineassist.